Got a few moments this afternoon that I felt like working on this one. Moons are coming into view. These last few weeks of the school year are draining, so it is hard to have the creative energy to work in art. But once I get started, I remember the flow #art #creativeprocess #artisticpractice #moon

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes" - Carl Jung
“All My Heart " is inspired by the power of our own heart and love as a force humanity must learn to wield more adeptly.
With an electromagnetic field that radiates beyond our body, our heart’s power is greatly underestimated. Here I use the heart to call for us to remember Life, remember Love, and remember our emotional humanity. It is when we sense it fully in ourselves that we see it in all those we interact with.
#heart #love #humanity #rememberlove #amymarkham #art #artistic #morethandecor

This piece continually gets the most views on my site and is my #ArtworkoftheWeek! This is “Meeting Fate On The Path”.
I have this mythical story in my inner reality about a young boy who discovers he is a harbinger of Fate. How would it feel to realize that the life you lead is designed to connect others to their path and purpose? Does that diminish your own purpose or make it more alive? The story is his developmental process through the rejection of this purpose to the awareness that he has actually created his own path, to the illuminating moment of realization that he is Fate incarnated. He never worked for that energy; he is Fate in human form. This image containing the interaction between these figures came through originally as a channeled painting (Fate’s Path). I knew them instantly as the characters in this story I have been imagining for years.
Crossing the stream to connect with the higher self, the young boy becomes aware of his own highest form. This moment is witnessed by the rooted form, also an aspect of himself, on the other side. A moment of alignment through mind, body, and spirit. An illustration of accepting the purpose and the life we designed for ourselves. A remembering. This piece is a call to embody the highest self energy and accept the path we are meant to walk.
Thank you to any of you that visited my gallery website this week!
Discover more at the link in my bio.
#meetingfateonthepath #amymarkham #artofinstagram #fineart #smallbusiness #homedecor #artoftheday #artcollector #morethandecor #fate #thepath

Lately I have felt very aware of the crumbling structures that were built to help humanity, but have been corrupted and are now rotting. Their decay is damaging humanity. And there is also an awareness, they were actually never built to do what we were told they would.
There is a feeling that is more than aware…but language feels inadequate. We all sense it though I think.
Yet because our day to day lives are so intertwined with these dying systems it is hard to know how to hold the awareness. How do we begin to build a new operating system while running the old one?
I got out of the car when I got home tonight, heavy with this feeling, and walked into the yard. Finding a lucky clover always feels like a soul reminder that ”it’s ok.”
She was right there. On the edge of the first patch I looked into. I know it’s all actually ok. I really do…but this helped with the heaviness today.

I have always been advised to tone down the color in my work...that most people want unassuming art that matches their rooms. That is decor. Decor can be lovely in spaces and ask very little of you. Art, art asks something of us. It wants to share the space with you, not blend in and not speak. And yet...it can make a room pop just as well as any decor. Notice how that yellow, connects to the other golds and yellows...while the magenta, green, and purple provides depth and contrast. The image itself has stories waiting to be made personally meaningful...in a way decor never can.
This is "Guided Through Process"
Much of my work tries to capture the energy behind material reality. The forces that are always in motion, unseen but often experienced. This piece was inspired by trying to illustrate a period of time in my life when I felt guided through a process. I was cared for and nurtured through a transitory experience that seemed as an initiation into the fullness of life. Becoming aware of how layered and complex this world we live in really is shifted me as human and an artist.
The symbolism in this piece is both personal and universal. The magenta rabbit is a call to time, the bird-like figure a symbol of higher self, the trinity sun watches over and imagines the process from multiple perspectives. The vibrant colors in this painting call to energetic impressions. Even the dark blues and purples are vibrant, a call to consider how what we may experience as darkness has a purpose and energy that is always guided by light.
#guidedthroughprocess #amymarkham #artstagram #artforsale #artoninstagram #artshow #creativeprocess #welcome #complexity #nonlinear #layeredreality #morethandecor

Sometimes difficult paths and periods are a call to complexity. A chance to see beyond prescribed paths and find new ways forward. If you have ever gotten through dark, spiraling moments and suddenly discovered that was actually for you to grow...than you will understand this piece.
“Beyond The Labyrinth”
The labyrinth is a symbol I have been working with throughout this life. While my family and I lived in Pennsylvania, there was a park just out my front door that had a labyrinth in it. In 2011, my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and then 2 months later I was diagnosed with appendix cancer. I recited meditations while walking that labyrinth that centered me and helped me understand that I was getting to my own center through this process. It was a representation of that inward spiral, all the while I was unsure if I would get to come back out.
It was a long, hard process to navigate the labyrinth’s spiral, more cancers, death, grief, recovery and finally, rebirth. In 2014, I had a vision of the labyrinth with an ouroboros around it. But the snake was not actually eating its tail; it had released it and there was an opening… a way out of the spiraling. This piece is a meditation on that energy. The idea that, once we have found the center and worked our way back into the light, there is an opening to so much more. Beyond the labyrinth, there is a life we cannot access until we have been initiated through its spiral dance and confronted with the Minotaur at the center. If we can re-emerge and release all that took us into the labyrinth to begin with, life opens in ways we could not even imagine before.
#beyondthelabyrinth #amymarkham #fineart #homedecor #labyrinth #transcend #beyondtheveil #experience

Do you have symbols that communicate with you? Little messages you receive from the universe as meaningful?
This piece is called Fate's Ferryman...
Moths have always one of those symbols for me...they are a harbinger of Fate at work. They have appeared in my life and interacted with me at moments before great transformation. I’ve had one fly out of my pillowcase, land on my knee, and batter against my window with powerful energy that could not be ignored. These interactions have always been followed with intense shifts. How symbolic that these night butterflies move towards the light surrounded by the mystery of the dark.
This image came from a meditation on that harbinger energy. This moth-like figure arrives in a boat, navigating the energetic waves. He invites us to hop in and align with the energy destined for us. We must accept the ride without knowing where we may be going, how long it will take to get there or what we may encounter on the trip.
#fate #itsfate #moths #flow #art #symbolism #messages

Lately the visions and ideas are fast and I can’t keep up. So, I am trying to jot a few thing down…like this image. #creativeprocess #artist #practice #capture

"Guided Through Process" - one of my favorites! What are yours? 👀
Much of my work tries to capture the energy behind material reality. The forces that are always in motion, unseen but often experienced. This piece was inspired by trying to illustrate a period of time in my life when I felt guided through a process. I was cared for and nurtured through a transitory experience that seemed as an initiation into the fullness of life. Becoming aware of how layered and complex this world we live in really is shifted me as human and an artist.
The symbolism in this piece is both personal and universal. The magenta rabbit is a call to time, the bird-like figure a symbol of higher self, the trinity sun watches over and imagines the process from multiple perspectives. The vibrant colors in this painting call to energetic impressions. Even the dark blues and purples are vibrant, a call to consider how what we may experience as darkness has a purpose and energy that is always guided by light.
#guidedthroughprocess #amymarkham #shopart #artworld #discoverart #creativity

Playing with yellow today and making a painted version of an image in my head. Sometimes I need to try multiple ways to capture it and see which one best conveys the feeling. #creativeprocess #yellow #stars #amymakesart

I post works in progress, process videos and more on my social media sites.